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Joomla 2.5 Troubleshooter. Lightboxes do not work after updating K2/Joomla engine

Ryan DeWitt March 30, 2015
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This tutorial shows how to solve issues with lightboxes after updating Joomla 2.5.x engine and K2 component.

Joomla 2.5 Troubleshooter. Lightboxes do not work after updating K2/Joomla engine

  1. Let’s open Portfolio page. Click on the image:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-1

  2. We can see that lightbox does not work:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-2

  3. Open Firebug and inspect code for this image. We can see the code class="modal":

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-3

  4. Open the folder with the template and make sure that you have unzipped fullpackage. We should search code class="modal" in files inside templates\themeXXXX\html folder and subfolders (XXXX are actual theme numbers):

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-4

  5. Open editor that allows searching text/code in multiple files. We are using Notepad++ software.

    Press Ctrl+F in order to open search dialog, go to Find in Files tab. Search text using class="modal" keyword. Select path to templates\themeXXXX\html files, make sure that you have the same options in search dialog and click Find All button:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-5

  6. We can see the list of files where class="modal" is being used. You may perform changes in all files listed in search results. In this case lightbox issue will be solved for all modules and components:.

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-6

  7. In our case we should look for files for portfolio page template. In our case the following files should be modified:

    • templates\themeXXX\html\com_k2\templates\portfolio\category.php
    • templates\themeXXX\html\com_k2\templates\portfolio\category_item.php
    • templates\themeXXX\html\com_k2\templates\portfolio\item.php
  8. Open the appropriate file, go to beginning of this file. Add the following code below tag:

    JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal');

    Save changes you have performed to file and upload the modified file:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-7

  9. Refresh your site and clear your browser cache. We have solved the issue with lightbox:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-8

  10. Issues with lightboxes on other sections/modules can be solved in the same way. For example, in our case lightboxes do not work in jcarousel module on home page:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-9

  11. We should find the appropriate file in themeXXX\html folder. In our case this is templates\themeXXX\html\mod_k2_content\jcarousel\default.php file. Add the following code below tag:

    JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal');

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-10

  12. Refresh your site and clear your browser cache. We have solved the issue with lightbox in jcarousel module:

    Joomla 2.5 troubleshooter Lightboxes do not work after updating K2Joomla engine-11

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 2.5 Troubleshooter. Lightboxes do not work after updating K2/Joomla engine

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