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How to edit footer in WordPress
March 30, 2018
Hello, my friends!
I am glad you are with me again! Let’s pay attention to the very basic things today. WordPress footer is one of the most important things and most popular sections, which is usually changed.
We are going to reveal how the things go with WordPress footer from the inside. Prepare yourself for this voyage.
Log into WordPress dashboard, as usual. That is necessary if you want to perform changes to the footer.
Let’s explore some basic moments first, as promised. Go to Appearance>Customize tab and select Footer area. You will find all the available options including widgets, copyright, even background color and style modifications.

On the top, you will find an option to show footer logo. Remove the current image and change it if needed. Lower, check footer copyright code. That is one more interesting moment that could be confusing. %%year%% is not literary displayed this way. That is just a ‘macros’, some kind of identifier to show the current year. For sure, you can easily change it.

You can also control footer widgets using 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, depends on how much content you really need there. Usually, this widget area includes social icons, footer menu, contact information and some custom text. We set 4 columns layout, as you may clearly see on the print screen. Right under the widgets, you can find footer layout section. It gives you the possibility to change footer style. Mostly, style 1 is set by default. However, it counts minimum 2 more different styles.

The last point, but not the least, is the background color and the background image change. You are allowed to select any existing color for copyright section and upload a picture for widgets footer area. At the very bottom, there are tools to adjust background position, background attachment, and background repeat options. As an alternative, you can remove background image and use just one specific color.

The Footer setting might differ for other templates, as each one is unique, but usually, the adjustments described above are available for you. Have a good luck, and free your mind and imagination!
We hope this step-by-step guidance was useful for you. Feel free to check our blog to learn more tweaks on how to manage your WordPress website as a guru of the web design!
Also, we recommend you to check out WordPress themes in case you need a wider selection of website building solutions.