Haine theme is excellent and modern for fashion shop websites. This theme has an option for selling products with a total eCommerce solution. Haine theme is made with a fashion shop in mind, but it can be used by anyone who wants to create an eCommerce and professional site for selling their products.

Haine woocommerce theme has multiple homepages for different types of designs and layouts. Users can easily add, remove, or update their features on these pages. The product showcase in this theme is excellent for fashion-related websites that are more flexible, easy to cart and checkout, and have a details page with a zoom effect.


  • Flat Colors, Clean and Modern Design
  • Responsive Behavior In All Devices
  • Easy To Use and Customizable

Check out Live Preview to choose the best eCommerce and fashion store WordPress Theme for making a complete website.


[Version 2.0] - December 17, 2024

  • Compatible with WP 6.7
  • Updated the Mobile Responsive

[Version 1.0.0] - May 26, 2024

  • Initial Stable Release

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2 Comments for this product

Please help me resolve this: Your theme (Haine) contains copies of outdated WooCommerce template files. These files may need to be updated to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggested fixes: Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available, contact your theme author to ask about compatibility with the current version of WooCommerce. If you copied a template file to make a change, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply the changes again. haine/woocommerce/archive-product.php, haine/woocommerce/cart/cart-empty.php, haine/woocommerce/cart/proceed-to-checkout-button.php, haine/woocommerce/checkout/payment.php, haine/woocommerce/content-product.php versão 3.6.0 está desatualizado. A versão do core é 9.4.0, haine/woocommerce/global/breadcrumb.php, haine/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php versão 7.8.0 está desatualizado. A versão do core é 9.4.0, haine/woocommerce/loop/loop-end.php, haine/woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php, haine/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php versão 3.3.1 está desatualizado. A versão do core é 9.3.0, haine/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php
Sure. It is very easy to fix. Contact me via mail or social media.
Hi I have installed your template to my wordpress. It seems some of the files needs to be updated for woocomerce 9.4.0. Here is the file list: - haine/woocommerce/content-product.php - haine/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php - haine/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php Also please help me how I can get these changes.
Sure. You can contact me via ticket system, I will fix it.
You will find it on the download page.

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