Шаблон адаптивной целевой страницы юридической фирмы

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shoppingBag Продаж: 66


Created: 18 мар. 2015 г.

Updated: 18 мар. 2015 г.

ID: 53359

og体育首页ONE - Неограниченные загрузки за $12.40/мес.

500k Items | Коммерческое использование License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Поддержка Присоединяйтесь, чтобы загрузить этот продукт  Бесплатно

5 отзывов на продукте

Хороший шаблон для юридической консультации. Очень простой. Быстро(практически мгновенно) загружается.
This landing page is modern, stylish and simple. if you are not professional on the Html and CSS, but you want to make good landing page for your company's event or temporary site design, This landing page work for you.
As a DYI business owner, I've been able to create a number of area specific landing pages quickly and easily with this template. As my first LP template, it was easy to modify to suit my requirements. As always, TM support was very helpful with filling the gap in my knowledge. I'm very happy with this landing page.
very good landing page, our aim is to built a one page form for getting legal advice, downloading documents and forms, simply getting your legal stuff done for low price, this template is PERFECT FOR THIS. WHat we like about it is the structure, that it is web template, so that we can easily adjust it to our needs,
Easy to use, template monster is fantastic

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